Shorts: American Eagle, Shirt: TNA
Seven hours later and I'm finished the example project I told my students I'd do for them. They've reached a level of reading and writing where I can challenge them with a research project, so we chose sea creatures as our topic (with a coinciding field trip to the Vancouver Aquarium coming up). Somehow it got decided that I had to study sea turtles, which I'm pretty sure they decided for me... In any case, clearly I'm a big keener who had to give it my all on this poster project and then obvs show it here for you all. And yes those are rhinestones you see...
Here's the thing: yes it took me way longer than I thought to do this example project and yes I probs went way overboard considering it's just supposed to be the example. But, I totally believe that giving an example to kids, giving a great example actually, will set the bar for them and give them a frame of reference. Little kids are so impressionable, and I'd like to make the best impression possible, one that says I def worked hard on my project and I expect you to as well. And here's the other thing: I'd do anything for my kids, and if spending seven hours on a poster project will encourage them and push them to work harder, then I will gladly do it, without a doubt. When I think of it that way, I think seven hours on a poster is the least I can do.