Eighty pictures strung up in my classroom. I read this article that talked about how some teachers think that if students are caught looking off into space during lessons, they're not focused. Teachers need to give students 'busy-work' so that they don't lose their concentration. But it also said that sometimes we need to give kids time to look off into space, to distract themselves with imagination and ideas, and maybe if they're not focused on the lesson they're just thinking about something else that is more important. Inspired by this opinion, I thought I might give my kids something to look at if they do so choose to look off into space during class. They have the opportunity to see themselves in a picture, or see a friend or classmate, working hard or having fun, or just being apart of our classroom community. I hope it inspires them to keep doing what they have already been doing, being respectful and responsible kids, overcoming challenges and creating unimaginable projects, things I could have never believed any grade ones and twos could do until I met this bunch.

Dress: Zara, Shoes: Sam Edelman