

Quote by Hafiz. Acrylic paint on white canvas, colorful embellishments to be added later. Will hang this somewhere in my classroom, feel like it's a good quote to look at every day, even if my students are a lil too young to understand, it's a nice idea to think of the whole sky lit up for love...

What next...

For younger students:
1. Writing - discuss what it means to love someone. Who do you love? How do you show love for someone? How do you know someone loves you?
2. Art - draw the love between the sun and the earth. You can think of the sun and the earth as people if you like. Think of the sun, who lights up the whole sky, who is happy to do so. Think of the earth, who is thankful for the light of the sun.
3. Additional - "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown, "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein

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